Conductix-Wampfler designs and manufactures Spring-Driven Cable Reels for commercial and industrial applications

We've been designing and building industrial reels since 1945.  Our brands over the years include Industrial Electric Reels (IER), Spring-O-Matic, PowerReel®, and Wampfler.  We offer hundreds of standard configurations and more custom designs than any other maker.

The newest member of our spring-driven reel family is the VersaReelTM, one of the most versatile commercial cable reels available anywhere.  It features full-retraction and a separate mounting plate to make installation a breeze.

The SR spring-driven cable reels are built at the Conductix-Wampfler facility in Belley, France. These top quality reels include long-life ball bearings and spring motors that are ideal for very demanding and/or critical applications where daily cycles are high and the ramifications of downtime are severe.

Contact Conductix-Wampfler to discuss your cable reel requirements.