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Tool transporters are complete pre-assembled units that allow the use of multiple different tools, among other things. They can also be fitted with tool holders, perforated sheets, storage tubs for keeping small parts in storage containers, etc..
The load-bearing element is a ground cart / trolley. Vertical, collapsible aluminum tubes enable the transporter’s height to be adjusted.
The standard equipment includes a rubber profile along the edges of the steel storage tub for collision protection. Based on customer needs, the standard transporter can be fitted with additional components such as perforated plates, a tool holder, etc.
The tool transporter is designed for use by craftsmen or in industrial settings, even with low clearances. We supply workplace systems for every industrial sector as well as repair and assembly lines for the automotive industry and its suppliers.
Tool transporter models
Standard version + accessories
Equipment carriers are complete pre-assembled units that allow the use of multiple different tools. They are comprised of a ground cart / trolley and additional components based on actual usage requirements. Equipment carriers are available in different lengths and can be fitted with outlets, service units, spring tensioners, etc. based on customer needs.
Compressed air or electric tools can be suspended and positioned on spring tensioners or balancers for quick access. Equipment carriers may only be used along a straight line and cannot be used in curves.
Standard lengths
(also available in custom lengths at an additional price)